Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Week 6_ Prompt..Edit.!

No, most of my posts were not correct. I'm being honest with you, I really didnt put that much effort on actually researching the answer. And that doesn't hurt anyone but myself. I think I got one or two posts right because I actually understood what it was talking about and I knew the answer from lessons. The blog that was my best was week 1. It was because I knew the answer. In the next cycle of blogs, to make my writing better, I could maybe start my blogs earlier. Then, this will give me more time to search around for the right answer instead of just putting what I think is right. If I do this, I can stop guessing my answer and actually know it.!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


People use ice packs to help them with injuries. Heat is involved with the bending of the pack because of the heat in your hand. That heat somewhat melts the middle of the pack when you break it. Heat is also involved because once the ice pack finishes being cold, it turns hot because the cold energy is gone. Again, heat from your hands and energy within the pack causes the ice pack to chemically react. That is how heat is involved.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week 4-Need for Speed

First to say, there are two teams competing against each other; red and blue. They have to buld race cares out of either a tricycle or a wagon. Since the blue team got to pick first, their strategy was to pick the toy that would help them go faster once the challenge was complete. So, they picked the wagon. The contestants of the design squad worked together as a team. They helped each other and listened to everyones ideas.
I would approach the problem by thinking of ideas just like the teams did. Also, I would just ry all different ways and have a different approach on the challenge. I would listen to everyones ideas beacuse one of them might work. From design squad, I learned that if you work together, you can be successful. Don't argue and let everyone help.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Evaporation is the process in the Water Cycle when liquid changes to a gas. You may notice that the air near the water's surface becomes cooler.This occurs because the water hits the air as water particles. Usually, when things change from a liquid to a gas, the temperature has to be at the Boiling Point. Energy heats up the air as the water vapour goes around. And then when its done, energy slows down because the heat is not hot anymore, so it cools down to what it was before the evaporation started.