Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Comment 1 (Zainab) week 4

-Good job! What does intermolecular polerity mean though?

Comment 2 (Natalie) week 4

-Good job Natalie. I like how you said it was awesome about it glowing.lls. But, you could of told what the connector things were called, unless it didn't say. =)

Cycle 2 Week4

The title of the video is Hooked on Science. It's about how students can learn from art. The event took 1 year to put together and plan. The science that is included is color. When you're doing art, you use paint and things like that. If it weren't for science, we wouldn't know what makes the different colors and how they mix and things of that nature. (ROY G. BIV). This means red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. From this video, I learned that in order to have art, you have to have science. This realates to whem people have to have something else to get to the full product. For example, if you don't have the ingrediants to make the bread, you can't make it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Comment 1: Sarah Rahman.
- Alot of details. Some errors though. No insight.!!=( Good explanation though of your article.

Comment 2: Deandree Little.
- Omg. You know you could have done more dre.!!

Cycle 2 Week 3

  • The author most likely wrote this passage because he or she wants to tell people how teens don't get enough sleep and how it effects their lives. He or she wants people to know how much sleep teens actually get at night. In the article, it says " Studies have shown that teenagers really need at least nine hours of sleep, with eight hours considered 'borderline' acceptable amount. This is saying that teens need at least 9 hours of sleep everyday but 8 hours is good enough too. This relates to me because my mom tries to get me to bed early so I can get the proper amount of sleep.
  • The main idea of this passage is how teens don't get enough sleep and cause problems towards their lives. In the passage, it says, " Scientists like the CDC's Eaton hope that by understanding the risky behaviors, like sleeplessness, that might contribute to these tragedies, they may be able to save lives." This is saying that scientists are trying to see if a lack of sleep causes teens deaths. Also, the passage says, " Also, without enough sleep, a person might have more trouble learning or exercising good judgement." This means that when you don't get a lot of sleep, you have problems with learning things because you're not that focused. This relates to me because when I don't get a lot of sleep, I usually don't pay attention that much in the morning at school because I'm so tired.
  • From reading this passage, I learned that teens really need to get enough sleep so their lives will go smoother. I found out that not sleeping makes you very unfocused with your learning and with things you do. In the passage, it says, " Over time, people who regularly don't get enough sleep are more likely to be obese or get sick with serious diseases." This means when you don't get enough sleep, you're most likely going to get fat and or sick. This relates to me because I never get enough sleep when it's a school night. Maybe about 5 hours? This is why I'm always lazy and unfocused during school sometimes.