Wednesday, January 27, 2010


If I dropped a ball, the energy has not gone anywhere. So, my friend is wrong when she says that the energy in the ball has gone. When it stopped, potential energy is present. Everything has energy either moving or not. The energy didn't go anywhere, it is still there! In conclusion, when things or the ball stops, remember that the energy hasn't gone anywhere, it is still stored.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


When bouncing a basketball, it goes threw two different energy stages. Those two are kinetic and potential energy. While the ball is still, it has its potential energy. So, the definition for potential energy is when an object is not in motion; it's still. As the ball starts to bounce, it now has motion. So, it now has its kinetic energy. And, when the ball stops again, it goes back to potential energy. Again, bouncing this basketball goes through two different stages, kinetic energy, and potential energy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Technalogy in Science

I like science because it is really fun to do. There are alot of things you get to learn like gravity, motion, how things work and much more. In science class, your are always learning new things about how things in the world work together to form other things. Also, we are always doing labs that are exciting to do. So far, science is personally my favorite subject!