Wednesday, January 20, 2010


When bouncing a basketball, it goes threw two different energy stages. Those two are kinetic and potential energy. While the ball is still, it has its potential energy. So, the definition for potential energy is when an object is not in motion; it's still. As the ball starts to bounce, it now has motion. So, it now has its kinetic energy. And, when the ball stops again, it goes back to potential energy. Again, bouncing this basketball goes through two different stages, kinetic energy, and potential energy.


  1. I like how u explain the cycle. You organized it in a step by step process.

  2. Very nice gob on using steps to explain the ctcle.

  3. I think this was good how you explained.You put alot effort and I think it`s your best effort.

  4. u spell some stuff wrong but any way i know what you said

  5. Nice job! You clearly answer the question and have an introduction and a conclusion. You may want to use examples to support your response and cite resources.

  6. You made a couple of mistakes but I liked that you had a topic sentence and a conclusion sentence. Good Job.
