Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Comment 2 (Cierra)

Oh my gosh Cierra! Love that you wrote so much! That shows a lot of effort. I agree with what you wrote also.

Comment 1 (Emran)

I agree with you about what blogging does. Few errors.

Cycle 2 Week 8

Technology has helped me as a student by helping me do things quicker. For example, if I needed help on some type of homework, all I have to do is ask the computer for help. I wouldn't have to stay after school and be taught something. Types of search engines that would lead me to this help would be either "Bing" or "Google." In the technology cycle, I think that I could have done better. I could of done the quizzes and things of that nature better. Something I think I did well was actually doing the blogs to the best of my ability. In the future, I would like to make blogs that help people or have a blog that gives teenagers advice on life. Technology has helped me as a student because it teaches me the different things that you can do on a computer, but I bet there's a lot more that I can learn and have to!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I like the form you used.

Comment (Sarah)

Few errors.

Cycle 2 Week 7

One famous oil spill is the Exxon Valdez. In 1989, the ship spilld 10.8 gallons of oil into Prince William Sound Alaska. The ship didn't have any double hulls to keep the oil from spilling out into the ocean. Also, the crew wasn't really that affective during the spill. This means the crew really wasnt that good! The type oil was called crude oil.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Comment (Cierra) week 6

Nice detail on why you would be an audio engineer. Few errors.

Comment (Deandree) week 6

Did you answer the 2nd question?

Cycle 2 Week

Engineers are involved in different types of careers. Some of those include marine/ocean life, environmental, audio, and much much more.! The job of marine/ocean engineers is to explore natural resources and transportation methods in the ocean. Environmental engineers jobs are to try to find ways to protect the environment. And, audio engineers make the sound for TV shows, games, sounds at concerts, and more everyday things.
The career I would like to do is to be an environmental engineer. I would like to do this one because it helps the communities of the world save energy and natural resources. Also, I already practice this everyday because I would turn off the energy I'm not using at the time like lights and water.Also, I would like to help people clean up our oceans and get rid of toxins.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Comment 1 (Zainab) week 5
- Yeah, a couple of errors. But I loved your ideas because it's true.! I totally agree.

Comment 2 (Derrick) week 5
- Omg, that yellow.! But, I don't think you answered the questions though.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cycle 2 Week 5-blogging in school

Schools are using blogs to tell students on things they should do. Ideas I find for using blogs in class is having things posted up on different websites. For example, there could be a blog for every class. They can use this so we can see and do our homework. Also, there could be examples of the work on the blogs so the students wouldn't have to try and remember what they learned in class. This also saves a lot of paper.! This has to deal with blogging in school. If everyone just types all of their work, money can be saved on things and paper wouldn't be needed. Also, typing up everything would help us on our typing skills that we will need for our futures.

Cycle 2 Week 5-my blogging

Technology we used in science influenced me because it taught me how me how to do certain things with the computers. I've learned how to research more things and look things up faster. Yes, blogging has improved my writing. It has because it taught me how not to type/write fast because I can make mistakes. And then when I don't check over them, I not writing correctly. It also helped me on the NJ ASK in the same way. Yes, technology has connected me to others with things like gmail. It lets me message them and talk over the internet. And also like on AIM or ooVoo, tecnolagy lets me talk over the computer to another person.