Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 10 Comments

Queen: Thanks for explaining this more Queen!

Week 10 Comments

Jorge: Nice pic and explanation.

Cycle 2 Week 10

When the moon is waxing and waning, what does this actually mean?

So, we all know that the moon seems like it's getting bigger and smaller everytime you look at it in the sky. Why is this so? Well, when the moon is "waning", it's getting smaller. But then when the moon is "waxing", it gets bigger. To remember this, if you ever saw the old version of Karate Kid, he was taught waxing; bigger, and waning; smaller. (Ms.Douglas told us this by the way.)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Comments Cycle 2 Week 9

Natalie: Good explanation.

Cierra: Hehe. You commented on your own post. But, you spelled sundial wrong like the whole time! Other than that, great explanation Cierra!


Cycle 2 Week 9

Today in class, we went outside at about 10 o'clock to test a sundial. The shadow of the sun dial at this time wasn't exactly at the north point, but about. Then, we went back out at about 11 o'clock and saw where the shadow pointed now. It was now directly on the north point. The purpose of a sundial is to tell time. It works by letting you know what time it is by where the sun is reflecting its shadow. From class today, I learned that you can make your own sundial with a paper plate, puddy, and some type of stick. The sun is the key point to helping a sundial function/work. In the sky, it seems like the sun is moving. When an object is in the sun, a shadow will appear. On a sundial, the sun moves clockwise and then it relates to the time of day.(

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Comment 2 (Cierra)

Oh my gosh Cierra! Love that you wrote so much! That shows a lot of effort. I agree with what you wrote also.

Comment 1 (Emran)

I agree with you about what blogging does. Few errors.

Cycle 2 Week 8

Technology has helped me as a student by helping me do things quicker. For example, if I needed help on some type of homework, all I have to do is ask the computer for help. I wouldn't have to stay after school and be taught something. Types of search engines that would lead me to this help would be either "Bing" or "Google." In the technology cycle, I think that I could have done better. I could of done the quizzes and things of that nature better. Something I think I did well was actually doing the blogs to the best of my ability. In the future, I would like to make blogs that help people or have a blog that gives teenagers advice on life. Technology has helped me as a student because it teaches me the different things that you can do on a computer, but I bet there's a lot more that I can learn and have to!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I like the form you used.

Comment (Sarah)

Few errors.

Cycle 2 Week 7

One famous oil spill is the Exxon Valdez. In 1989, the ship spilld 10.8 gallons of oil into Prince William Sound Alaska. The ship didn't have any double hulls to keep the oil from spilling out into the ocean. Also, the crew wasn't really that affective during the spill. This means the crew really wasnt that good! The type oil was called crude oil.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Comment (Cierra) week 6

Nice detail on why you would be an audio engineer. Few errors.

Comment (Deandree) week 6

Did you answer the 2nd question?

Cycle 2 Week

Engineers are involved in different types of careers. Some of those include marine/ocean life, environmental, audio, and much much more.! The job of marine/ocean engineers is to explore natural resources and transportation methods in the ocean. Environmental engineers jobs are to try to find ways to protect the environment. And, audio engineers make the sound for TV shows, games, sounds at concerts, and more everyday things.
The career I would like to do is to be an environmental engineer. I would like to do this one because it helps the communities of the world save energy and natural resources. Also, I already practice this everyday because I would turn off the energy I'm not using at the time like lights and water.Also, I would like to help people clean up our oceans and get rid of toxins.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Comment 1 (Zainab) week 5
- Yeah, a couple of errors. But I loved your ideas because it's true.! I totally agree.

Comment 2 (Derrick) week 5
- Omg, that yellow.! But, I don't think you answered the questions though.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cycle 2 Week 5-blogging in school

Schools are using blogs to tell students on things they should do. Ideas I find for using blogs in class is having things posted up on different websites. For example, there could be a blog for every class. They can use this so we can see and do our homework. Also, there could be examples of the work on the blogs so the students wouldn't have to try and remember what they learned in class. This also saves a lot of paper.! This has to deal with blogging in school. If everyone just types all of their work, money can be saved on things and paper wouldn't be needed. Also, typing up everything would help us on our typing skills that we will need for our futures.

Cycle 2 Week 5-my blogging

Technology we used in science influenced me because it taught me how me how to do certain things with the computers. I've learned how to research more things and look things up faster. Yes, blogging has improved my writing. It has because it taught me how not to type/write fast because I can make mistakes. And then when I don't check over them, I not writing correctly. It also helped me on the NJ ASK in the same way. Yes, technology has connected me to others with things like gmail. It lets me message them and talk over the internet. And also like on AIM or ooVoo, tecnolagy lets me talk over the computer to another person.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Comment 1 (Zainab) week 4

-Good job! What does intermolecular polerity mean though?

Comment 2 (Natalie) week 4

-Good job Natalie. I like how you said it was awesome about it glowing.lls. But, you could of told what the connector things were called, unless it didn't say. =)

Cycle 2 Week4

The title of the video is Hooked on Science. It's about how students can learn from art. The event took 1 year to put together and plan. The science that is included is color. When you're doing art, you use paint and things like that. If it weren't for science, we wouldn't know what makes the different colors and how they mix and things of that nature. (ROY G. BIV). This means red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. From this video, I learned that in order to have art, you have to have science. This realates to whem people have to have something else to get to the full product. For example, if you don't have the ingrediants to make the bread, you can't make it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Comment 1: Sarah Rahman.
- Alot of details. Some errors though. No insight.!!=( Good explanation though of your article.

Comment 2: Deandree Little.
- Omg. You know you could have done more dre.!!

Cycle 2 Week 3

  • The author most likely wrote this passage because he or she wants to tell people how teens don't get enough sleep and how it effects their lives. He or she wants people to know how much sleep teens actually get at night. In the article, it says " Studies have shown that teenagers really need at least nine hours of sleep, with eight hours considered 'borderline' acceptable amount. This is saying that teens need at least 9 hours of sleep everyday but 8 hours is good enough too. This relates to me because my mom tries to get me to bed early so I can get the proper amount of sleep.
  • The main idea of this passage is how teens don't get enough sleep and cause problems towards their lives. In the passage, it says, " Scientists like the CDC's Eaton hope that by understanding the risky behaviors, like sleeplessness, that might contribute to these tragedies, they may be able to save lives." This is saying that scientists are trying to see if a lack of sleep causes teens deaths. Also, the passage says, " Also, without enough sleep, a person might have more trouble learning or exercising good judgement." This means that when you don't get a lot of sleep, you have problems with learning things because you're not that focused. This relates to me because when I don't get a lot of sleep, I usually don't pay attention that much in the morning at school because I'm so tired.
  • From reading this passage, I learned that teens really need to get enough sleep so their lives will go smoother. I found out that not sleeping makes you very unfocused with your learning and with things you do. In the passage, it says, " Over time, people who regularly don't get enough sleep are more likely to be obese or get sick with serious diseases." This means when you don't get enough sleep, you're most likely going to get fat and or sick. This relates to me because I never get enough sleep when it's a school night. Maybe about 5 hours? This is why I'm always lazy and unfocused during school sometimes.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cycle 2- Week 2

If I could design a game, it would be called Making a Living. It would be about life and how you can choose the path you want to go down like in the real world. The names of the characters will be whatever the player makes their avatar. Challenges the students will face are avatars built in trying to get them to do things bad. They have to choose if it's the right thing or the wrong thing. If they pick the wrong thing, it will be consequences like losing their job or losing something important. If they choose the right thing, they will get a boost in the game. After completing this challenge, students will take away life skills. Sometimes in the world, games teach people more things than real world things.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gaming Is Educational

A game that I am currently playing is a game called CafeWorld. It can be found on Facebook if you have one. The goal of the game is to just make food so your waiters can serve the customers. The more food you make, the more customers you have, the more money you recieve, and the more points toward your next level. There are times on each food item, so you have to make sure you come back so the food won't spoil. From playing this game, I learn how to manage my time. I learn this because I would pick foods to make that are in my time schedule. I wouldm't make the things that are like 6 hours long beacuse I will be in school and it will surely go bad. This game can be used educationally because you learn skill and how to use time wisely.

Another game that I am currently playing is a game called BurgerShop. It can be found on the computer's game system that you have. The goal of the game is to serve all of the customers in the time given. If you lose a customer, the game is over. This is another food game.=) There are three different types of levels; breakfast, lunch and dinner. As you go throught them all, the game gets harder and harder. From playing this game, I learn the skill of timing things right. For example, if I serve a certain customer first with the biggest order, the other smaller orders will be easier becasue I got the other one out of the way. This game can be used educationally beacsue it teaches you persistance in things you are doing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Week 6_ Prompt..Edit.!

No, most of my posts were not correct. I'm being honest with you, I really didnt put that much effort on actually researching the answer. And that doesn't hurt anyone but myself. I think I got one or two posts right because I actually understood what it was talking about and I knew the answer from lessons. The blog that was my best was week 1. It was because I knew the answer. In the next cycle of blogs, to make my writing better, I could maybe start my blogs earlier. Then, this will give me more time to search around for the right answer instead of just putting what I think is right. If I do this, I can stop guessing my answer and actually know it.!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


People use ice packs to help them with injuries. Heat is involved with the bending of the pack because of the heat in your hand. That heat somewhat melts the middle of the pack when you break it. Heat is also involved because once the ice pack finishes being cold, it turns hot because the cold energy is gone. Again, heat from your hands and energy within the pack causes the ice pack to chemically react. That is how heat is involved.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week 4-Need for Speed

First to say, there are two teams competing against each other; red and blue. They have to buld race cares out of either a tricycle or a wagon. Since the blue team got to pick first, their strategy was to pick the toy that would help them go faster once the challenge was complete. So, they picked the wagon. The contestants of the design squad worked together as a team. They helped each other and listened to everyones ideas.
I would approach the problem by thinking of ideas just like the teams did. Also, I would just ry all different ways and have a different approach on the challenge. I would listen to everyones ideas beacuse one of them might work. From design squad, I learned that if you work together, you can be successful. Don't argue and let everyone help.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Evaporation is the process in the Water Cycle when liquid changes to a gas. You may notice that the air near the water's surface becomes cooler.This occurs because the water hits the air as water particles. Usually, when things change from a liquid to a gas, the temperature has to be at the Boiling Point. Energy heats up the air as the water vapour goes around. And then when its done, energy slows down because the heat is not hot anymore, so it cools down to what it was before the evaporation started.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


If I dropped a ball, the energy has not gone anywhere. So, my friend is wrong when she says that the energy in the ball has gone. When it stopped, potential energy is present. Everything has energy either moving or not. The energy didn't go anywhere, it is still there! In conclusion, when things or the ball stops, remember that the energy hasn't gone anywhere, it is still stored.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


When bouncing a basketball, it goes threw two different energy stages. Those two are kinetic and potential energy. While the ball is still, it has its potential energy. So, the definition for potential energy is when an object is not in motion; it's still. As the ball starts to bounce, it now has motion. So, it now has its kinetic energy. And, when the ball stops again, it goes back to potential energy. Again, bouncing this basketball goes through two different stages, kinetic energy, and potential energy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Technalogy in Science

I like science because it is really fun to do. There are alot of things you get to learn like gravity, motion, how things work and much more. In science class, your are always learning new things about how things in the world work together to form other things. Also, we are always doing labs that are exciting to do. So far, science is personally my favorite subject!